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AliensThe Alien Plan

You probably clicked on this section to see the strange and bizarre way in which this topic will be covered. That is because discussions about this subject, and people who talk about the subject, tend to be in some way strange and bizarre.

The typical scientific approach to the supernatural reminds me of the story of the drunk man who lost his keys. He kept searching for his keys under the lamppost, not because they were there but rather because the light of the lamppost made it easy for him to look there. Similarly, the thinking of science is guided by the light of the 'lamppost' of physical reality because that is where it is easiest to think clearly. As a result, the area around the lamppost has been well mapped. But, when it comes to studying non-physical topics such as the supernatural, science insists upon staying by the lamppost and declares that it won't believe that any keys exist unless they are found by the lamppost.

Theology, in contrast, does step outside of the light of physical reality and attempt to investigate the unseen. But, when it comes to going beyond the words of some holy book in order to actually study non-physical topics such as the supernatural, then theology often prefers to stay in the darkness of 'divine mystery' and regards with suspicion attempts to throw the light of explanation upon this darkness.

Mental symmetry suggests that it is possible to use analogy to throw some light upon the 'darkness' of the nonphysical by using the theory of mental symmetry as a flashlight. Obviously, one is still dealing with conjecture, but I suggest that informed conjecture is better than either ignoring the darkness or remaining in darkness.

The supernatural is typically viewed as a violation of natural law. In other words, if an event cannot be explained by science, then it must be a miracle. Science has learned that natural laws are universal, therefore science understandably rejects the concept of miracles. In contrast, the theory of mental symmetry led me to consider the existence of the supernatural as a way of making this theory more complete. If only natural reality exists, then the theory of mental symmetry has a huge hole in it, and scientists hate general theories with holes. in order to fill this theoretical hole, one must postulate the existence of a mirror-image non-physical realm, and if one uses mental symmetry to explore the properties of this non-physical realm, then these properties correspond to the descriptions that one finds of angels and UFOs.

Saying this once more with a little more detail, the human mind appears to be symmetrical: Server thought is the mirror image of Perceiver thought, Teacher thought is the mirror image of Mercy thought, and Exhorter thought, Contributor thought, and Facilitator thought can all function in one of two symmetrical ways. Scientists love symmetry, and this mental symmetry explains why the cognitive model is called the theory of mental symmetry. However, the interaction between the mind and the body is not symmetrical: Server thought generates output for the mind through movement, while its mirror image of Perceiver thought evaluates input using object recognition. This asymmetry is also present in the physical brain, because the left parietal region generates movement for both sides of the body while the right parietal region performs spatial processing for both halves of the visual field. Moving further, Mercy thought works with solid matter, while Teacher thought handles ephemeral words. In summary, humans live in concrete thought while using abstract thought to communicate and build understanding.

This asymmetry suggests that natural human existence is only half of the story, because it is possible for the human mind to exist within an environment in which abstract thought and concrete thought are flipped. And when one explores this flipped existence, bizarre stories about the supernatural start making sense. Going further, when one examines physics, one finds a similar and equally bizarre relationship between matter and energy, particle and wave.

I have attempted to follow this logic further in my analysis of mirror-image reality. The analysis itself is logically straightforward, but in order to test this hypothesis one must examine non-scientific texts, because science, by definition, deals only with the natural. Of course, this does not prove the existence of a non-physical realm, but it does provide rational tools for exploring such a realm and sifting through accounts about supernatural encounters. Therefore, you will find references to biblical stories about angels and accounts of UFO encounters in the links provided here.

When one adds mental networks to the equation, then more twists emerge. Culture shock occurs when a person attempts to live in an environment that violates his core mental networks. The person who is experiencing culture shock will attempt to withdraw from the unfamiliar and retreat to what is familiar. I suggest that dealing with alien existence would be a more extreme example of this, except in this case the cross-cultural interaction would question the deepest assumptions of human existence and natural reality. Thus, while it is mentally possible for the human mind to exist within both natural reality and mirror-image reality, continuing to exist within only one of these realms would lead to the development of mental networks that would cause a person to respond with major culture shock to the very concept of a mirror-image existence.

Mental networks also make it possible to postulate the existence of a non-physical realm that is different than either natural or mirror-image reality, one that is related to the natural by a symmetry between internal and external. Swedenborg's description of heaven and hell portrays such an existence in which internal content governs external reality, and the Swedenborgian concept of heaven was portrayed in the movie What Dreams May Come, starring Robin Williams. An analysis of Swedenborg's description of heaven can be found here. Interestingly, while Swedenborg's theology focuses upon what one could call the spiritual, he rejects the concept of a Teacher-based mirror-image realm. Curiously, if one scans the Bible, one notices that it refers to both angels and spirits and describes them as being quite different.

I explore my hypothesis about mirror-image 'aliens' in greater detail here. Obviously when dealing with this subject there is significant conjecture, however I have tried to follow symmetry and keep the discussion rational. And because the Bible talks a lot about angels, I include that aspect as well.

How does Christianity relate to UFOs? In a nutshell, if one treats the Bible as a Holy Book and approaches it with blind faith, then I suggest that it is not possible to evaluate alien life in a truly rational manner or extend Christianity to include alien existence. However, if one uses the theory of mental symmetry to derive Christian doctrine, then one ends up with a model of thought that can cover human, alien, and spiritual existence. Back in 2010, I attempted to analyze the typical Christian approach to 'aliens' by looking at a series on angels and aliens by Chuck Missler, including a possible interpretation of some strange biblical passages.

And, for something on aliens from a totally different perspective, in 2010 I also looked at the Law of One in a fair bit of detail and put together a forty page analysis on this system of thought. (Note from 2019:

That analysis is based on the assumption that aliens are the exact mirror image of humans and go through a mirror-image process of personal development. I think that humans and aliens can be viewed as mirror images, but I have come to the conclusion that alien mirror-image bodies are more primitive than human bodies, because the ultimate starting point is a primordial concept of God in Teacher thought.)

In 2019, I put together a forty page analysis of aliens, alien types, and the alien agenda, guided by the concept that God the Holy Spirit and God the Son are expressions of God the Father, as described in the Nicene Creed. This places the alien plan within a larger context of God’s cosmic plan for creation. Alien types can be explained as physical expressions of different kinds of mindsets.