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The theory of mental symmetry relates to science in several ways:

1) One can use mental symmetry to analyze the type of thinking that is being used by different theories of physics, including Newtonian mechanics, relativity, and quantum mechanics. This is discussed in a recent essay. There is also an earlier short discussion on this subject.

Some early work on analyzing Christianity also includes a look at the philosophy of science and how it relates to Christianity.

2) One can use mental symmetry to analyze the symbolism that is present in many of the laws and forces of physics, using the same cognitively natural symbols that are found in the Bible. The essay on physics provides many examples at a semi-rigorous level, suggesting that this is a valid methodology.

3) One can analyze the birth of science from a cognitive perspective. This is discussed in a number of essays.

Music is a strange combination of physics and feelings. A lot has been written on this subject starting with Pythagoras way back in Greek times. I have put together a short paper on music using the theory of mental symmetry to extend the physics of music to the modes of the mind. I should mention that I am a professionally trained violinist who has studied music theory.

One of the first books I examined was Thomas Kuhn's book on The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. This is an excellent description of the philosophy of science, and I have put together a 56 page essay integrating his findings with the theory of mental symmetry. More recently, I used James Loder's model as a starting point to examine the relationship between Christianity and science.